środa, 1 stycznia 2014

Happy New Year

 First of all I wanted to wish a Happy New Year to anyone that happens to be reading this by any chance.
Second of all I wanted to talk about the New Year's resolutions.

This is the first year of all my 20 full years of life that I have decided to treat this stuff seriously. So I thought that I would think of a better way to stick with my New Year's Resolutions.

Here are some steps that I'll take:

1. My plan is to make a resolution each month and then at the end of each month I will recap what I had accomplished and what I wasn't able to stick with. In my opinion this is why so many people don't  achieve their goals- because they stick with their resolutions for 2-3 weeks and then forget about them.
2. Some of my resolutions might become habits- that's what I'm going for- long term changes. Some are just little reminders of what I have to do. Either way I try to be realistic. For example: If I want to lose weight I don't set myself a number of kilos that I have to weigh by the end of the month in exchange for that I research healthy food options, fun exercises etc.
3. I've already created a notebook with some resolutions listed for each month. I leave this space for adding new resolutions, ideas etc. I think it's a great thing to write down your thoughts- that way if you need motivation or just remind yourself what you really want in life- you open up a notebook and boost your  motivation with your own words.
4. Now all I have to do is wake up everyday and try to be positive and take life day by day, that's the only way I imagine reaching my goals. There will be ups and downs but I'll tune in next month with an update on my January accomplishments.

Good luck (to me and you)

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